Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Yes because that didn’t just happen a few months ago.

Like Limerick and Tipp in the Munster final last year? Draw em out, let em build up a bit of confidence and then rain fire on them from high? If we see Zelensky clapping like a lunatic they are definitely in trouble


Not really . They’re a poorly led bunch of cowardly fuckers. They don’t like it up em.


Russian forces are being overwhelmed.
They’ve lost so many troops and equipment that they haven’t been able to reinforce/rotate out the front line troops. They’ve been spread too thin and with the new, more accurate long range missiles the Ukrainians have their supply lines have been devestated.

It was pointed out very early in the offensive that the Russians would struggle to hold their gains.

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They’ve lost more men than the US in Vietnam. It’s a catastrophe and if they went for general mobilisation even worse. Even the Russian public will only accept so much.

No surprise that Putin turned the gas off and they went crying about Western weapons to the UN this week.


The Putin apologists must be absolutely seething.

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I have a similiar feeling. Sacrificing a few pawns.

Fantastic tweet

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All that would make me fearful the cunts reach for larger more destructive weaponry.

We have the Russians bet up a stick

Probably blow up in their faces with the help of God.

Couldn’t have done it without you mate

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Im celebrating with a few Asahi.

Interesting point about Nam. 6 months to match the number.

Lolz at @glenshane


I’m lost……

One dickhead posting another dickheads opinion from twitter.

Take a breath chief

Tut tut :grin:

Lolz at @Thomas_Brady.