Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

A ceasefire? Have they started?

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Depends which media outlet you read.

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Its done. Stick a fork in it

French diplomacy came to the rescue when it looked like war would break out in Europe in 1914 and 1939 and by golly they’ve only gone and done it again.

When war did break out, the Frogs didn’t do much fighting.

You have to rely on the British for moral clarity in terms of standing against evil in Europe.

Occasionally that moral clarity can be slightly misplaced but this is one time it is not.

You can bank on the French to deliver
Back of the net Macron

It’s been going off in Eastern Ukraine since 2014, mate.

That’s a shame…pity macron and putin weren’t around

Putin was funding it…

Is the War over yet?

It’s been going on since 2014

This will drive the usual suspects mental.

“There’s no Team America for Trump,” Hill recalled. “Not once did I see him do anything to put America first. Not once. Not for a single second.”

It showed in Trump’s praise for the authoritarian leader of Russia, an American adversary that had boosted his finances as a business executive. It showed in his reluctance to embrace America’s mutual defense commitments to European allies, which for decades have constrained Russian behavior; instead, Trump treated NATO as what Hill called a “protection racket.”

Most notoriously, it showed in Trump’s attempt to squeeze Ukraine’s President for manufactured dirt on Biden to help his 2020 election campaign. He held up American military aid as a political lever as Ukraine faced the long-running Russian military threat that now has the entire world on edge.

“All this did was say to Russia that Ukraine was a playground,” Hill said.

At home, Trump softened Republicans’ once-hawkish approach to Russia. Today, the leading Fox News hosts and other conservative voices – “the ultimate stooges,” as Hill calls them – buttress Russian arguments as armed conflict looms.

It’s no surprise really that Putin invaded Ukraine during Trump’s first term in 2014 and is threatening invasion again during Trump’s second term.

'Tis very funny the way lads here have cornered themselves into being fanatical Trump fanbois who rant like complete maniacs in his defence any time his name is brought up.

I believe this is an example of what Putin himself calls reflexive control being exerted over them.

Prime example here:


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Yeah. He’ll come back and tell the Ukrainians to fall in.

The problem is the minimum Putin will settle for as a so called “diplomatic solution” is something that completely destroys Ukraine’s ability to function as a state.

That is not acceptable. You’re probably better off taking your chances fighting Russia than giving up your state to tyranny.

Neither would giving up Ukraine to tyranny be the end of this. Not by a long shot.

The 2024 US election and the installation of tyranny in the US for the longer term is the medium term target of Putin.

You’d miss covid all the same, a common enemy to divide ourselves instead of a phony war. At least Holohan divided us by decree and tweets while driving around Dublin based on what he saw first hand, not reports of what you want to believe half the world away

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