Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

It’s an excellent closer to Achtung Baby.

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The one time you would have wanted a massive table and there’s none.

Some poor fucker the Russians picked up on the streets of Luhansk is going to be forced into the amateur acting business as an unpaid extra.


no, but there is an ignore function. it will change your life in ways you never imagined

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It’s an incredible tribute to my quasi-anonymous internet account that it can have such a hold over lads’ lives here.

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Putin asks are there any “diverging points of view” from the politburo.

Awkward silence from the oul’ lads in the chairs, as they look down at their feet.

Putin: “No.”

The FSB chief looked like a hostage as he spoke. He looked petrified. He was what you imagine the lads in the Great Purges looked like at their “trials”.

Putin grilled him as to whether he supported the proposal to make the DNR/LNR independent.

“What do you mean - you want us to discuss negotiations - or you want us to recognise the sovereignty?”

“Yes or no.” He repeated this a couple of times.

FSB guy: “Yes - I will support…”

Putin: “Say it correctly - I will support or I am supporting…”

Yer man was shaking. He then said “yes I support the proposal to make the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics part of the Russian Federation.”

Putin: “That’s NOT what we are talking about, that’s not what we are discussing. We are talking about recognising them as independent entities.”

FSB guy: “Yes.”

Putin: “Thank you, sit down.”

Big fucking shit eating grin on Putin’s face and sarcastic, threatening tone the whole time.

Don’t be interrupting him

The lads don’t look confident.

The lad in the back 2nd left looks like a hungover oil truck driver


A lot of them look like lads who are fond of a drop.

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I thought there was finally an invasion with all the posts.

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The power dynamics of that meeting were remarkable. It was like watching history in real time. Putin broadcast it to the world to demonstrate the absolute power he has. Some of the oul’ lads there were shitting it. But now they are all implicated, and that was the purpose of it all. I think Lavrov was one of the lads shitting it. At the weekend Putin was hugging Lukashenko. But Lavrov was way down the other end of a massive table from Putin last week.

I genuinely think Putin has reached that point in a dictator’s life span where they go crazy.

They might never see their Chelsea townhouses again.