Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

If you are going to leave open goals, I’m going to tap them in

FIFA will probably reward Russia with another World Cup.

Ive given another like for that.

You’re a nicer poster too tbf.

Its what its all about.

Not imposing the severest sanctions now would be much more counter-productive. It would retrospectively expose every bit of rhetoric about values and rules and standing together and freedom since World War II as completely empty.

If the west does not stand up here it is finished.

What level of sanctions can they impose?

Any word on how the protocol negotiations are going?

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You fat headed askeaten cunt. You caught me there badly.

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A lot of lads that were laughing at @Cheasty on here recently starting to look very foolish


Yes what sanctions can’ they impose?

@balbec what’s the feelings on the ground in Poland about what’s happening on the Ukrainian border?

Ah the West is finished anyway. The American period is coming to an end, the Sun Rises in the East.

Cut the gas pipe. Remove them from swift. Freeze assets. I dont think Putin is bothered.


Go away you muppet.


they could ban imports of oil and gas and cut off Russia from banking system and seize all Russian linked assets (oligarch assets) in EU, UK etc.

they won’t do that.

There were Russian submarines sailing freely through the Bosphorous the other day.

Putin’s 100 million dollar yacht sailed out of Hamburg unimpeded last week.

They are laughing at us.

Are you another of the pro Russia edgy crew?

Not at all. The situation is fluid.

I still reckon this will be all sorted out without a war. I’m hoping so anyway.

Like it was fluid in Poland in 1939

Job could be fucked lads