Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I think the russians are biting off a lot here

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He seems to have called it well tbh. For the West the reality is there is no longer a person or country there that we can deal with- what’s the point in dragging it out for several years of him fucking around until he dies?

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If the Ukrainians can stay in the fight the US will turn it into 1980s Afghanistan. I wonder would they back the Georgians then as well. If they get sucked in there do the Checans etc have a go again

Whatever happens its going to be shit for Ukraine

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Who is winning??

The arms companies

Has @Tierneevin1979 and @Cheasty started WW4 yet ?

One of the smartest things western intelligence could do is try and take out Ramzan Kadyrov. He rules Chechnya with an iron fist on Putin’s behalf.

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George Galloway retweeting this nonsense

Sure Dan Breen was a Nazi lover which means by reflexive control Galloway has to be a fan of the Black and Tans and British imperialism in Ireland. I suppose that would make sense given he’s already a fan of English imperialism in Scotland.

Maybe an Imelda May poem could calm the situation?
Worthy a try


Makes perfect sense.


He thought he could keep claiming the PUP with the long covid.

If Liam Lawlor were alive he’d be invaluable to an Taoiseach as a trusted diplomat respected by both sides.


LoNg CoViD cAuSeS wW3

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Glenda might still have some insight.


Putin was always corrupt. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, especially for somebody who has a genuine belief in blood and soil fascism. That belief has been on full show to the world since the mid 2000s. People end up believing their own bullshit. You see it all the time in the media where contrarian edgelords go cuckoo. Imagine the infallibility complex yet simultaneous all consuming paranoia complex that being worth 200 billion dollars from crime and corruption would give you.

Watching the hairy bikers here on food network. Serving up a chicken Kiev

Pilger is thirsty for Ukrainian blood at the moment. He has become a total warmonger. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen somebody in the public eye completely trash their own reputation and legacy as much as he has done.