Second Captains

Any recommended podcasts out there?

I listened to Ken Early’s new politics podcast there on Monday.

It was very good indeed. A calm, reasoned deconstruction of the alt-right and how the roots of their worldview go back to a fundamentally negative view of women as merely distrustworthy instruments who are there to be decoded and controlled. Angela Nagle, who has been studying their rise for eight years, explains it very well.

What app are you using to manage your podcast listening? I can’t find one that I’m happy with and it’s a major barrier to me becoming a more frequent podcast listener.

Incidentally, Tom Dunne has stopped podcasting his show and I’m seething over it.

Something happen ?


Castbox on the Samsung Phone

Cast box works fine for me on android

Good luck with that in a nuclear war scenario.


Will he be doing something similar for the screaming left?

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George Hook, Paul Williams, Ian O’Doherty, Eamon Delaney, David Quinn, Brenda Power, Leo Sherlock, John Waters, Kevin Myers, Eilis O’Hanlon, that fat, sweaty gimp McGuirk who often appears on Vinnie Browne, and the raving mad gay chap who appears on same already do that, pal.

Almost exclusively in a screaming fashion.


The magic sponge podcasts are very funny with some great tales from Z list soccer stars. The Barry Fry, Dean Windass and Lee Hendrie ones are very good

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Some people would have listened to them daily before when they are on the radio and couldn’t for the last few years. I know their lack of ability to “react” to things has damaged them.

I don’t see the difference. People have different tastes to what you want, meh. Someone might just replace an existing podcast with one of the new ones they’re doing.

What are you trying to say there Tim?

Plus nobody is forcing you to listen every day. If your willing to pay a fiver for it then listening to 12 of them vs 20 makes no real odds

Some lads here calling people losers for using the market economy. :joy:

The market economy is not worth the paper it’s printed on, mate.

So all our podcasts should chosen by the state for us?

You’re the lad who told everyone to dump the radio for podcasts anyway.


I like Overcast BT