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The lads singing in a scouse accent when streaming chants off their phones?


the whole of Ireland will be glued to it tonight, its gas, they would not cross the road to watch a league of Ireland game

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Sure it’s no wonder the Micks made such a balls of the European count this week. All on their phones watching Liverpool build up.

Johnny Ronan will be lucky to get anything built this year in Ireland with this kind of attitude.

is Johnny Ronan back in business?

I went to Ballindereen to see Galway Utd vs Odense in 1991 mate. There was savage opposition to the location at the time. Lovely stunt by the Ballindereen crew in fairness.


He is rebuilding Ireland, a great man.

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are the backward Dubs still opposed to high rise and insisting on massive housing estates in Kildare and Meath?

Yeah the corrupt cunts on DCC just blocked him adding 2 storeys to the original 9 storey block for Salesforce. Embarrassing.

Johnny has the people onside though and his magnificent twin 40+ Towers in Project Waterfront will hopefully come to pass.

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What excuse did they give? We should be going 40 stories along there.

Sure this is more of it…

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The State told the morons on the council to come up with a Strategic Development Zone in 2012 during the recession that was to fast track building in the specified zone with ABP. That allowed for buildings of a certain height there with no recourse to ABP, theoretically speeding things up, but it only allowed for 2 70+ meter towers in the Docklands. Now the Government have removed height guidelines but that SDZ still exists. Johnny Ireland is shooting for the stars taking out newspaper ads. It’s driving An Taisce mental and they were delighted the Salesforce tower got rejected. Their time is nearly up though.

There’s talk that he could go back to the start now and go through normal planning but work has already started on site. It’s 1000 jobs for the city that will either go somewhere else or end up in another office block in the city wasting space.

This is why Dublin actually needs a Mayor and not local politicians blocking everything.


Jesus wept.

Liverpool and Man U are the two biggest supported teams in Oireland in any sport. Every time either play in a match of this magnitude, the country grinds to a halt.

Murder is not cool & Spurs are cunts.

What to do?

Cheer for the Murderers


Poch has them running over hot coals and taking arrows in the neck. He’s had a mental breakdown.

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You’d have to feel for the Spurs fans in Madrid. Biggest match in their history but they can’t really enjoy it because you’d never know when a passing Liverpool fan could put a right dampener on their trip by murdering them.


Pray for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

They’ve got smashed up good and proper by Spanish police while the Liverpool fans are embraced by locals.

That’s because the locals are afraid of being murdered