Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

The rich man’s Ian O’Doherty.

I had you down as a big Hot Press/Hedild fan sid.

In the same way I had you down as a big Farmer’s Journal fan no doubt.

I never speak ill of the dead, except when I do. But not on this occasion.

RIP George.

I used to buy it every week. Even had a subscription for it after I left Ireland. Then they never bothered to remind me about renewal and I never bothered with it again.

It’s a little known fact that George Byrne pioneered one of this forum’s in jokes.

In a column a couple of days after the 1994 All-Ireland football final, he recounted being asked by a taxi-driver the previous Saturday night who he thought would win “the match”.

“Well, Blackburn have had an excellent start to the season and they’ll be favourites, but I think home advantage and the pace of Mark Stein and John Spencer up front will enable Chelsea to spring a shock”, said George.

The taxi driver didn’t speak to him for the rest of the journey.

Taxi Driver 0 George Byrne 1.

I only know of him as he was a nominee in the inaugural cunt of the year

Georgio Byrnio


An alright sort

So he was a cunt, and now that he’s dead posters think he was a great lad

A nomination does not a cunt make. But George Byrne would have happily viewed himself as a royal cunt I suspect and not given a fuck about it.

[QUOTE=“HBV*, post: 1117181, member: 234”]
Thoroughly dislikeable as in you disagreed with his stance in these areas? What does that say about you?.[/QUOTE]
Don’t think it says anything about me. Not everyone that passes on is likeable. Them’s the breaks. Byrne wouldn’t want to be have been universally popular and he achieved that.

May his soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace

The thinking man’s The Selfish Giant.

Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano, 74. I’ve been meaning to read his books “The Open Veins of Latin America” and “Football in Sun and Shadow” for years but haven’t got round to it yet.

Ah no, very sad to hear this. Open veins is an outstanding book, will dust it down and give it another read soon. R.I.P. Eduardo :frowning:

Gunter Grass, former Waffen SS member, author of the Tin Drum, nobel laureate and opposer of the reunification of Germany has died aged 87.


As a tribute to Gunter Grass, Beating and Screaming by 1970s Belfast Punk band the Outcasts which manages to tell the story of the Tin Drum in two and a half minutes.

The Poles used to claim him as one of their own. They dropped him pretty sharpish when the SS story came out though.

Former Dublin selector and head of UCD GAA Dave Billings.
