Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

What is a hominem attack?

(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone’s argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument .

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its not an ad hominen attack on you unless you bought off the victims or were the paedo coach.

hes engaging in whataboutery


fair enough, its a shameful strategy whatever it is


A simple apology would suffice.

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yes, when it was announced that tweed had died, for some reason known only to himself, he decided to wum the board by talking about his rugby playing days which in truth wasnt a good strategy


I’d dare say I’ve made a wrong step here from time to time, but the right thing to do is admit your mistake and move on. Otherwise you could get bogged down in trying to be right all the time, and we’ve seen what thats done to some headbangers.

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Tweed is a horrible and odious cnt. No doubt about it. Did someone say otherwise?

Good to see TSG out condemning him so strongly. He has hedged his bets on that front in the past in the Chelsea example

The soggy biscuits are circling.

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Imelda Mays mother passed away today, she was 94. Imelda is 47.

47 bearing a bairn. Hardly too outlandish - no?

I went out with a bird who’s mother was 44 having her, that was weird. Obvs it wasn’t weird me being 45 having our youngest…



47 mate. Not 44.

Any comment on Maradona revelations pal?

What are the Maradona relevations? He owned up on his death bed to cheating and handling the ball?

Sex trafficking an underage girlfriend… I think, my Spanish wouldnt be perfect

This case is ongoing in Buenos Aires at the moment. Hadn’t heard anything about it. Just looked it up there and found this in an Argentinian news publication.

Mavys Avarez Rego, 36, a former Cuban girlfriend of late footballer Diego Maradona, testified Thursday in Argentina that she had been the underage victim of members of the legend’s entourage.

The mother of two, who now lives in Miami, arrived here a week ago to testify in the case, where she has not been accepted as a plaintiff by the Argentine courts.

Together with her lawyer Gustavo Marano, Alvarez entered Justice Ministry premises in Buenos Aires without making statements in order to testify in front of a Gesell camera and a female psychologist, as ascertained by AFP.

This system seeks to avoid contact with the lawyers of the defendants, who may follow the testimony on the screen and ask their questions via the psychologist, explained a court source.

The charges were lodged in late September by the FundaciĂłn por la Paz y el Cambio ClimĂĄtico, responding to press interviews with Alvarez published in Miami or picked up in Argentina.

These charges refer in particular to events during Maradona’s trip to Buenos Aires to attend his own testimonial match in November, 2001. On that occasion, the famous footballer, then aged 40, arrived accompanied by the girl, who was then aged 16.

Between 2000 and 2004, Maradona lived in Havana where he was undergoing treatment for his drug addiction. Alvarez said in an interview with a Spanish-language news outlet based in the US that she met him while the footballer was staying in Cuba.

In the interviews the woman said that she became a drug addict during her relationship with Maradona and that she had plastic surgery for breast enlargement while in Buenos Aires, despite being underage.

Under investigation are Guillermo CĂłppola, the ex-representative and friend of Maradona who accompanied his treatment in Cuba, as well as Carlos Ferro Viera, Omar Suarez, Gabriel Buono and Mariano Israelit, all collaborators of the 1986 World Cup champion.

“The chain of responsibility starts with Cuba,” Marano said Thursday outside the courthouse. “We have a head of state [Fidel Castro] who loaned a 16-year-old girl to anyone who asks if he happens to be Maradona.”

Wow. He is a hero to many. I think @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy has him as his profiler

I had him as my own avatar I must confess as well until a few minutes ago - in a Tottenham Hotspur jersey at the Ossie Ardiles testimonial at White Hart Lane in 1986. I changed my avatar fairly quickly when you alerted us all to these shocking revelations.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy really needs to change his avatar.

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What are the revelations mate

As I predicted, a rat when caught in a trap will attempt to gnaw its own leg off.

Experiment over