Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

That is very much the end of an era

julee cruise has fallen

RIP suicide apparently

Former athlete and sports journalist Tom O’Riordan

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Imagine both parents outliving all four of their kids. God be kind to them.


Jesus, having grandkids to pour love into, and hopefully see signs in them of your lost child, about the only thing I can think that would keep you going


He looked fond of hospitality himself.


Her brother died of a brain tumour at 35 and her sister died of cancer in her 40’s and she died of cancer herself. I dont know what happened the other brother. I know a mother and father locally who had a son die in a car crash and another with suicide. I don’t know how they go on. Grief on an unimaginable scale.

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The other brother died in a car crash when he was 12 months old.

Harry Gration :frowning:

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Shut that coffin lid!

The voice of BBC Rugby League colour reporting 1987-1995, when the Challenge Cup final was almost the equal of the FA Cup final.

Ray French is the voice of rugby league.

An honourable mention for the late Harry Gration too though. RIP

Harry was the man who set the backdrop to Rugby League’s finest day, interviewing the coaches like Alex Murphy of St. Helens or John Monie of Wigan, the players on the bus to the stadium or walking around the dog track beforehand, like Ellery Hanley, Martin Offiah, Joe Lydon, Denis Betts or the Iro brothers of Wigan, Bobbie Goulding and Jonathan Davies of Widnes, Garry Schofield of Leeds, Gary Connolly of St. Helens, Leigh Crooks of Castleford, and the fans from the various parts of the M62 corridor.

Harry was as charming and northern as a loaf of Hovis, an episode of Last Of The Summer Wine, or a colliery band.

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Andy Goram.

Which one?


All of them.