Six Nations 2019

Sexton is finished.

Joey is not the future. He is the present.

Irish Prods 13 English Prods 25



And it shows.

The Irish team have had numerous digs on the head, and everywhere else, today, however.

Officer Farrell landing the latest one.

The chariot will not be stopped today.

Very sour grapes from West Britain here. East Britain scored a legit touchdown there.

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Ireland have bored the shit out of everyone

Rugby matches still largely won by the piano shifters. England front five have destroyed Ireland. All five of that England front five saw test action for the British Lions in New Zealand in 2017.

Box kick or loop around. 2 tactics. Rory best only job is to throw a ball straight and he cant do it.


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This is a vindication for those of us who have seen through this Schmidt bluffer all along.

Exactly why Ireland wont get near a world cup

How is that a forward pass guys?

Rugby is a shit game, I had a bet (lost) to make it worth watching, I don’t care about the result, but that was a shocking decision to allow the last try,

Bad timing for @anon61878697 's heel turn the weird cunt

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Ireland were always going to lose after Neil Francis’s article last Sunday.

The rugby equivalent of Brendan O’Connor’s “The smart, ballsy guys are all buying property” from July 29th, 2007.


Typical Irish Rugby team. Huff and puff and deadly at winning challenge games and creating illusions. The minute it’s put up to them, the minute any expectation comes on these fucking bluffers shit the kaks.

They play a boring turgid shit style of rugby that is completely based on playing it safe, you can see out there now these bluffers haven’t a fuckin notion how to create anything that isn’t a fuckin line out or a scrum. All huff and puff and no class. It’s all a sham, these fellas are fuckin useless when it comes to it.


Thats the biggest pop of a bubble bursting in the history of Irish sport.

They let the cunts walk all over us.

Jesus a right fuckin tonking at home to England. These cunts have made a show of us. They’ll always let you down these chaps

Embarrassing stuff from the guys. Can’t wait for the no doubt hard hitting analysis in the coming days

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Ooooft. This English team is like the Helga. Blowing their potato-picking opponents to smithereens.

Why do West British Rugby fans have curved rulers?

Will there be an inquest into why Henshaw haf to play full back in the press.

The media will go into full sweep sweep mode.