Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something

Hoy her land
Hoy her land
Hoy her land.

I actually think it could catch on.

Tomorrow morning yourself and @myboyblue are going to wake up in the bed together and wonder what the fuck just happened

Heā€™s a great sort. Weā€™re lucky heā€™s ours and weā€™re his.

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I wonder is Bidens visit an apt confirmation that we are in the main a nation of bedwetting cunts who fawn over a perceived power recklessly regardless of its competence or incompetence.


We put on some show for our returning hero. Mayo and Ballina did us all proud

Remember the 2020 election when all the headbangers went to bed thinking their Donald got back in? President Joe gave them a bit of a rude awakening the next morning alas.
Quite the awakening indeed

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I believe in Joe

We Irish love Irish Joe both because heā€™s an excellent president and because heā€™s IRISH.

The orange cunt, like all the other Republican cunts, was turfed out on his privileged, criminal WASP ear.

The Irish know. We have just the right amount of cynicism.

We do US Presidents better than than we do drinking pints of the black stuff and shrieking at wakes.


Remember they all went cribbing to the bookies when they wouldnā€™t pay out for Trump? :rofl::rofl:

Like approproately given.

Its for another day, but his foreign policy has always been lets say politely on the hawkish side.

The lads put their hard earned where Tucker told them to and couldnā€™t figure out why it all went wrong :joy:

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Lads refreshing Betfair in January after the election thinking a big payday was coming

Joe is a ligind. Heā€™s a ligind, so he is.

You couldnā€™t make it up

The Irish have a nawful problem with betting sadly

50 euros on Trump being the next President the day before the inauguration.

If Tucker Carlson ever sets foot in Ireland heā€™ll be dragged out and disappeared like those two corporals at the funeral, and we will all laugh.


Some of them have never fully recovered from that night

I stuck a tenner on Joe to win the election at 3am at 4/1.

Then I stuck a tenner on him to win Georgia at 4/1.

Betting is only a problem if you donā€™t know what youā€™re doing.

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