Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something

Big Sex Pistols fan apparently.

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In the past week Joe had needed a speech with “god save the queen”, stood to attention with his hand over his heart to the Indian national anthem, and called the Chinese premier a dictator

The latter might be true, but not when we are trying to improve relations Joe.

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Who’s this Cunt

MSM ain’t gonna cover for Filthy Joe anymore

Doesn’t look great for the Bidens.

I’d assume the mainstream media will do everything in their power to cover this up.

Surely the democrats can come up with someone better than Joe at this stage. He’s a liability

No, nobody wants Biden Trump II. It’s looking like Newsome DeSantis.

DeSantis? Stick a fork in him .

Jesus Christ, he’s starting to rot.

The US is ready for a Kennedy


It’s his birth right

Is this Kennedy lad like Conor from Succession?

He’s more like Conor Lenihan


He has to go

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TFK ageist brigade out in force tonight I see

DeSantis is toast. It’s either Trump for the Republicans or someone comes out of the locker with a strong run very late on.

It’s actually sad looking at him. He’s clearly not fit for office.

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