Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something


Sorry. Not a celeb or politician

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The leader our broken world needs :clap: :clap:

Mr President :heart_eyes:


Can I place an order for a few of those Biden whiskey glasses?

@Copper_pipe brought the lot, ye had your chance

Fantastic. Its only a matter of time before Joe steps in to help the Oirish. Black, native American, Latino and female Oirish jump to the front of the queue

He’s an idiot But he ain’t a fascist

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And it’s not as if it was his idea to come off with that shite

And you really need to grow up with that fascist child spake. If a fascist is going to seize the reins of the us of a he’ll hardly do it with a few outback lads in furry trousers. He’ll come armed with banks, meeja, oligarchs and more money than it takes to pay a few green keepers in county clare.
Lads are simple at the heel of the hunt.

I think we’ve reached the peak. Right wing lads dismissing themselves because of how stupid they are.

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Aye, I’d certainly admit that it’s lazy talk. Fascism is some sort of ideology however despicable I find it. Trump is a Trumpist. A self promoter/ self aggrandiser. Corrupt to the core with only self interest as the end. He’s good. Maybe better than anybody wants to admit. He really can play the game.


I think I’ll call it the steinhart paradox

It’s the dimwits being used you’d nearly feel sorry for. Good thing there’s none of them on here

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Eh? there are loads. Or are them lads ball hopping

Meanwhile he’s washing a cheeseburger down with coke while Joe is being patted on the head while being told he’s leader of the free world.
Aye, dead on…as they say in andytown

The latter surely