Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something

Well done joe. Helluva achievement

Cheer up buddy

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Sniffing in Finland

Joe knows that new baby smell.

Genius, absolutely genius, by Super Joe Biden’a team.

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Biden stumbling around like a drunk in Michigan, the first US president to walk a picket line. It would of course be this clown, backing the insane demands for a 40% wage increase, massive benefit increases and a 32 hour work week.

Goodbye US auto industry, hello a million auto workers unemployed.


32 hour working week?

The cunts over take a week for random public holidays let alone do a bit of work in between. Oh im not available friday through Thursday as tuesday is some random name day. Then have the gall to say you guys always have public holidays on monday can you not make the call? Ill be there Tuesday kid

In fairness, I think the average annual leave is the US is quite low, around 10-12 days IIRC

The average is 11 paid holidays + 11 federal holidays. In the private sector paid holidays go up typically annually, after 5 years it’s generally 15 days or above.

Demanding a 4 day work week and a 40% salary increase (the average auto worker is on $28 an hour) is madness.

Isn’t the 40% over four years? And haven’t the big car manufacturers been creaming it in with super profits? And isn’t there a shift from traditional cars to electric cars so new skills required? Is that madness?

Learning new skills justifies a raise? I’m owed a fortune.
20% over 4 years isn’t bad.
Yes the car companies have been profitable and workers benefit, they get profit sharing. The average this year at Ford is $9k, not bad for someone on 50k.
Private companies should pay a competitive salary, they’re not obliged to share their profits with employees, although many do.

Sure in all negotiations you go in high in the hope of getting what you actually want or would be happy with.

Thats what i thought also, honestly they would get nothi g done in a 32 hour week

I have genuinely no idea what you’re trying to say here.

They took a pay cut in 2008 to save the car manufacturers, they are looking to have that restored, plus an increase for cost of living.

Has your salary changed since 2008? If you took a pay cut to save your company and the company was now absolutely creaming it, would you want your money back?

The whole you’ll bankrupt the company line from management might be go down better if the CEO wasn’t making $30mil a year


Let them eat cake, mate

Also a great victory for the Hollywood writers. Another group who were told their demands were impossible to meet by the billionaire CEOs

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Listen here workers, if you don’t accept exploitation in these low paying jobs, then there won’t be any low paying jobs for your children to be exploited by

You’re exploiting your employer by napping all day