Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something

Presumably Trump and his supporters will be attacking the entire judicial system over this in a similar manner to how they did after Trump was found guilty.

Hunter needs to resign the Presidency.

He has to go

You’d think the Second Amendment people would be all over this case. Surely the inalienable right of drug addicts to own guns is the very essence of their version of freedom?

Yeah he should be allowed own as many guns as he wants. Also take as much drugs as he wants too. America should be the land of the free

Is it too late to bump Sleepy Joe off the ticket?

They’ll have to, but he will have to step away himself or be forced to. They can’t have any division on it.

Anyone any way competent and uncontroversial would bate Trump in a canter.

Trump still can’t even shut up. They must be screaming in his ear to shut up and he still can’t do it

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It was a tough watch the few clips I’ve seen this mornin. It’s actually beyond embarrassing for America as a country

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Politics is finished

An intervention is clearly needed to get him to step aside but the problem then is unless there is a broad consensus as to the alternative, which most likely there won’t be, the Democrats tear themselves apart in the process selecting the candidate. Ms Harris is not a very inspiring choice either.

There’s surely some constitutional means to remove a president who is clearly not playing with the full deck anymore?

Jon Stewart fairly nails things here.


Imagine these are the 2 you get to vote for, in a country the size of the USA. Embarrassing.