Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something

Itā€™s disgusting to see people vehemently attacking him here if true.

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Most unbecoming

I voted for the man mate, and like a lot of Democrats I am very worried. Iā€™d say the 25th amendment is likely in 2022 when our girl is primed and ready.

People expect greatness apparently.

Deflectionary comment.

Heā€™s progressed beyond that surely. This is moderate dementia weā€™re looking at, rather early onset dementia.


Heā€™s driven demented at the thought of Mayo winning an AI, and the barbarian hordes overrunning Galway city.

As I said Iā€™m not a neurologist, but the few I know would share my concerns.

Your concerns were reciprocated by many, and prior to him ever being elected. The blind hatred of Trump saw thousands of dead Americans vote for a man with dementia.

Lookit everyone entitled to vote voted whether they knew it or not.

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Speaks volumes about Trump

Q is the man to sort out the gubbermint

Most rational people had enough of Trump, but like Biden he was elected so you either respect democracy or you donā€™t. I would be of the belief you should always give the choice of the electorate a fair chance.

Could quite a lot of that not be levelled at DJT too?

No, Trump was pretty consistent. Lots of evidence of personality disorder but not dementia.

Heā€™s some embarrassment. That speech last night and whispering ā€œget vaccinatedā€ before running off avoiding any questions

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Who is pulling the strings for that poor lad? Heā€™s clearly falling apart, even reading his teleprompter seems a struggle

The postmen this week.

The President has the usual supsects in a right old hoop here