Social Experiments

Evaluating setting up a MacRoaster Tinder account.

Please post up potential profile pictures.

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Mac Roaster is a black gangster rapper!!!


What a twist.


Fuck, I’ve been rumbled

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Observing a multinational get together here in my hotel. The levels of awkward fake bonhomie in pigeon English are off the chain.

Jez, I miss that horseshit.

The Indians and ourselves used to be dragged along to these things and forced to act all jovial likes the cunts of yanks who declared themselves our masters.

Repeating and rince the following conversations…

How long have you been in Ireland Rajesh?
I have been here mostly for 2 years KP. long silence

Am, yourself and Sunitra look to be getting on really well but I understand you are all set to marry a local girl back home. How does that work?
I have a *doubt KP but ultimately my parents will decide. Are you happily married KP? awkward silence

Menus arrive out and the vegetarian option is shite as usual and the Indian fellas look at each other in dismay.

Everyone is in bed by 11.

*Rajesh was the Bundi Aki of the Indian community.


Where are you fagan ?