Social Networking Sites

So are bandage and rocko.

Spot on. :ok_hand:

Sounds like the father in law would want to cop onto himself and stay away from these snowflake fad diets

Will you ever compile a recipe book?

por auld paddies flabbergasted facebook is spying on them :joy:

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Get back in your box you fucking numpty


Tbf to him, tis hard to keep up with it all sometimes

A seasoned internet veteran like @Tassotti should know better than anyone that the internet never forgets

Paddy only cottoning to it now :joy:

Mrs Mac and I were watching the Fyre Festival thingy on Netflix on our TV last night. She was getting ads for Forbidden to Fruit and a bunch of other Irish Summer Festivals within 10 mins of it starting.

All those accounts are probably connected. Netflix to your gmail or something.

Fairly inane contribution


that’s astonishing


In fairness in this day and age and after all we know you’d want to be some mug to be on Facebook.

I’m not on Facebook

do people still use it in Ireland?

I don’t know bucko. I’m not on it.

Netflix have or at least had privileged access to Facebook user data

Samsung tv and phone?

Netflix account is on my work email address which would never have been entered on her device.

I hope every has a bit of masking tape over the camera on their phone/tablet/whatever, its watching you and sending information back

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