Social Networking Sites

He went down the Ming the merciless route first

Any update from Ming by the way? The Belgian police surely hot on the heels of his hacker

I’ve pointed out to fellas here before that they shouldn’t post anything they don’t think they can stand over or justify in public. Same rules apply.

There’s lads still on the run from the FBI over it.


I have wasted ten minutes of my life going down that rabbit hole.

There’s a funny one in there though when some arsehole wonders allowed what my men keep fetishing (or some such word) about young beautiful women.

And weirdo comes back with ‘the perpetuation of the species’.

I Led OL at it.

Can anyone explain to me why Colm O Gorman and amnesty Ireland are getting dragged over the coals. I’m too thick to understand.

The woke are a fickle bunch

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He signed a letter seeking deplatforming of anyone who dares to query the trans brigade and then accused those who query trans of being British agitators.

He’s rightly getting a hiding over it


Eh what?

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Don’t worry mate, it’s nothing to trouble you

Can you review the highlighted text please. I’m genuinely curious and you seem to know whats going on.

hoedown throwdown posing in her knickers is ‘offended’ a bloke has said he’d ask her out for a drink if he wasn’t married :rofl: then proceeds to try get him fired and divorced while gaining thousands of likes on twitter. Christ. And of course you’ve a couple of the usual sad cases here yass kween agreeing with her. Incredibly sad, needy behaviour all around. Post nathin on social media.


Done, see original post


Alright lads. There was a conversation in our house tonight about Charlotte tilsbury, (makeup apparently) the sister wants some for Christmas. Never in my life had I heard of it, nor have I ever googled make up or anything related to it. There’s absolutely no chance anything to do with it should show on a adds algo for me. And an add appears for it on my Facebook tonight.
Fuck off zucks

Disable the microphone in the app. It listens alright.

It’s Tilbury. Sold this year for over one billion.

What’s she like?

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I’ll put in a word for you lad

The wife uses their stuff quite a bit. Take a trip up to Brown Thomas on your own and look for assistance from one of the girls on their counter. Thank me later.

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Is this code for something else?

The most shocking part of that is that you use Facebook :scream:

It’s tough out there