Social Networking Sites

Send them a picture of your arm. Or @Ambrose_McNulty’s arm. Either way we need to grow this trend.

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Two word reply

Send nudes


"Hello Sai,

Please do the needful and remind yourself that LinkedIn is not a dating network.

Yours in concern,

KP. "


I got a linkedin message about a job in British Airways yesterday. 90% off the price of flights is some perk

This place is riddled with arm envy.

Ask him has he ever used a jack to get out a calf.

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Or transported a calf with scour in the boot of a Skoda.

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No more innovative approach than that

ok which one of you lads has this profile?


very good!

Powder and Scott back to form today :clap:

cc @Pirlo

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Ha, just watching them here! Got a bit sad there for a while! Heard there’s a sad backstory to the house as well mind.

Fuckit powder deserves a bit of good fortune to say the least


He most certainly doesn’t deserve what’s going on anyway.

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I haven’t heard that. Anything you could share? Or PM it on if it shouldn’t be said on here

Pm sent for the little I know.

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The absolute worst thing in the world right now is that very cringey feature on LinkedIn where you can give a colleague Kudos and tell them what a great employee they are.

It’s like wishing your wife a Happy Birthday on Facebook.


Thinly veiled nobody ever gave me kudos on LinkedIn


LinkedIn is some cesspit. There are a few nutters in my network with young kids and busy jobs who somehow decided to do a part time MBA over the past 2 years… Graduated recently and all up on LinkedIn… thanking their wives, their kids and their employers.

They’d be first against the wall.