Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns


Have to agree,no one wants to out their heads up yet

Well the Belgians aren’t going back at all this season and Turkey isn’t going back next week but hoping for early June, but other than that yes it is a valid question.

Lord Kilclooney more of a rugby and GAA man than the scummy soccer it would appear.

Lord John Kilclooney should be running the country

Very good UFC card this Saturday night


A pal was talking to an inter county player and was told that the most likely return date is mid March when this years league will resume and it will go from there, i.e - the final 2 rounds of the current league will be played and this year’s championship draws will stay as is and be played in summer 2021.

That’s football btw.

Nobody knows nothing.

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Agreed. He was just told “most likely”.

UFC on tonight.

Tomorrow night afaik

Quirke always speaks plenty of sense

In the absence of any real certainty, I don’t see the problem with waiting it out, listening to the experts and making a definitive call closer to the time based solely on best available information.

A shill for the LIDTF crew

That’s probably the worst analogy I’ve ever read.

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