Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns


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Yeah, but it’s only temporary from Easter to bank holiday in October. I make that Clare for you?

The Brits are having an absolute howler of a coronavirus

We shouldn’t throw stones yet

Maidir Le: Covid Restrictions - lmportant Update
A chara,
The GAA’s Covid Advisory Group met this evening to consider the outcome of a meeting between the three Gaelic
Games governing bodies (GAA, Ladies Gaelic Football Association and Camogie Association) and representatives
of the lrish Government, including the Minister of State for Sport, which took place earlier this week. The meeting
was held to brief the governing bodies on the short-term prospects for a return to training and playing of our
The Government representatives clarified that inter-county Gaelic Games activity is not covered under the
current Level 5 exemptions for elite sports. As such a return to intercounty training or games is not permitted
under the current restrictions.
It was also clear that there will not be any change to this position post-March 5th when the restrictions currently
in place are reviewed.
It is the view of the GAA’s Covid Advisory group that no on field activity will be permitted - training or games -
until Easter at the earliest. ln the interim, it is expected that the Government will publish an updated “Living with
Covid” plan and we expect that this will provide clarity on when clubs and counties are likely to be allowed return
to training and games in 2A21,.|t should also provide clarity on when other off-field club activities may be
permitted to resume.
It is clear that this extended delay to the planned return of the inter county season will have knock-on effects for
both the inter county and club games programmes originally planned for 2027. As of now the GAA have made no
firm decisions on what competitions may or may not be facilitated in any revised fixture programme - such
decisions will be a factor of how much time is made available to us, both for an inter county season and for the
broader participation levels that will be necessary for a meaningful club season. While we will begin to look at
contingency plans for the Master Fixtures programme, we will not be able to take definitive decisions in this
context until we have a clear picture of what restrictions we are likely to be operating under at various points in
the year ahead.
Rest assured however, that once clarity is provided by Government and Public Health Authorities on the likely
road ahead for societry generally and sport in particular, the GAA willfollow with its own roadmap and plan for
our own activities at both inter-county and club level, that will cover whatever time is available to us for the
remainder of the year.
We know these latest developments will come as a great disappointment to all those who are anxious to resume
their Gaelic Games involvement, be it on or off the field. While we remain in the midst of a deadly pandemic,
there is significant cause for optimism that much better days lie ahead. The manner in which we have endured
and overcome thus far, both as individual members and as an Association generally, has been praised by many
and is a cause of great pride to us all. With your help we are certain that we will eventually have a fulfilling season
at both club and county level in 2021, just as we had in 2020.
Finally, we would again like to take this opportunity to thank our members, players, coaches, managers and
officers at all levels for their patience and understanding of the current situation and for co-operating with all of
the restrictions that have been put in place. We want to remind you all again that we will prepare a revised
Master Fixture Calendar and plan for the remainder of 2021once a new Government road map for society and
sport is made available.

2028 will be off the hook

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Club first. Mark it down.

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That’s what it looks like now!

Looks like a similar schedule to last year with the club starting a little earlier.

Another Christmas AI

So intercounty GAA is no longer elite but League of Ireland is?

hold on a second???

does this mean @padjo & @binkybarnes do not follow elite sports?



Possibly no league

Word has it Tony lost the plot when the Cork and Down incidents occurred. And rightly so Tbf.

I’ve been telling ye that all along. Is it an exclusive if I knew before Croke Park?

There’ll be no crowds.

Barring they let a hape of lads from the nursing homes in

This is your stage mate. Fire away.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

This thing will wrap up a lot sooner than certain commentators would have you believe