My sister in law has that on the wall of her sitting room beside Live, Laugh, Love
I cried my way through reading that.
Roy gets deep inside the soul.
That one was like a Greatest Hits tour.
“Croke Park Camino” how does he come up with these gems.
Hi Roy
Just getting around to this now
sorry lads
He’s one in a million - can never be copied
Roy just nails it every time.
Ah jaysus. He has produced more ham than Roscrea.
How does he do it
This is the single greatest sporting article I have ever read.
Hang it in the Louvre.
A simple turn of phrase, woefully executed. Even Roy would be ashamed.
They are no more worlds RC can conquer. He should put down the quill, quench the candle and walk away with head unbowed.
“They famously pulled down seven towers in Ballymun. Against Mayo came the latest skyscraping evidence that an eighth continues to stand sentinel, the unbreakable, totemic guardian of the city’s football conscience”
How does he do it?