As I’m sure most of you have heard the Crocodile Hunter is dead. Stung in the chest by a stingray.
He was a right annoying bastard. Won’t miss him
I wont miss him anyway, he’s a Jimmy Greeley kinda guy. Actually wouldnt it be funny if the two of them had of done a show before:
Steve: “GEEEEE, CRIKEY thats an elongated north African chuzzwazzer”
Jimmy: “Ah yes, the ole chuzzwazzers, yeah?”
Steve: “Too right mate. This little fella has enough venom to kill fully grown man. Hes an angry little fella, youre alright mate, youre alright. LOOOOOOOOKKKKK at the size of his fangs. He has approximatley 25 fangs”
Jimmy: “WOW, the ole fangs. I wish i had that many fangs. You going to the George tonight?”
Steve: “No way mate, im going home to watch my crocabilly eggs hatching”
PS what is your source on that? I could only find it on the bbc website and arent they a bit dodgy with breaking new? Especially sports
Crikey! That?s harsh. He seemed like a good guy and leaves a wife and 2 very young kids.
RIP Steve Irwin.
His memory will live on in the hearts of those he has left behind and so he will never die. Legend.
Will really miss the guy. What a legend. WooHoo!! Spent have of college watching him. Its not meant to be public news though as Terri (his wife) is off trekking in Tasmania and can’t be contact. My thoughts are with his family. Mate in Brisbane said that no work being done there today and one channel is basically showing re-runs for the whole day. Legend IMO.
Australians are nuts:
Stingray mutilations prompt Irwin vengeance fears
Bonnie Malkin and agencies
Tuesday September 12, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
When a stingray killed the flamboyant naturalist Steve Irwin last week, his fellow Australian Germaine Greer outraged many by writing: “The animal world has finally taken its revenge.” Now, it seems, the human world is hitting back.
Up to 11 stingrays have been found dead and mutilated on Australia’s eastern coast since the Crocodile Hunter’s death, prompting fears that Irwin’s fans are exacting their revenge on the normally docile fish.
Officials from the department of primary industries and fisheries say two of the dead stingrays were not the victims of revenge attacks, but they have been unable to determine the cause of death of at least another nine.
The fact that the tails and barbs of several of the animals were lopped off has environmentalists worried.
Michael Hornby, the executive director of Irwin’s conservation group, Wildlife Warriors, said he feared the rays were being hunted and killed in retaliation for the TV star’s death.
“We just want to make it very clear that we will not accept and not stand for anyone who has taken a form of retribution. That’s the last thing Steve would want,” he said.
“I hope everyone understands we have to protect wildlife now more than ever. This is what Steve was all about.”
Steve Irwin died when a stingray barb pierced his chest while he was swimming with the creatures on the Great Barrier Reef last week.
His death has prompted outpourings of grief in Australia and across the world, and some believe it may have triggered a demand for stingray souvenirs.
Mal Gulbrandson, 59, from Queensland, told the Sydney Morning Herald he had seen nine stingrays lying on Dundowran beach last Friday with their tails cut off.
Mr Gulbrandson said he believed someone had removed the tails and barbs from the fish to sell as mementos after Irwin’s death. “They are taking advantage of Steve and using the spurs as jewellery,” he said. “Steve, as we all know, was all for preserving the future.”
A Queensland government spokesman said the mutilations would be investigated as possible cases of animal cruelty, but they were not initially thought to be related to Mr Irwin’s death.
A memorial service for Steve Irwin is expected to be held next Wednesday in Brisbane’s Suncorp stadium. Irwin’s friend and business manager, John Stainton, said “quite a few people” from the entertainment industy had volunteered to perform at the event.
A private service was held for Irwin on Saturday at his family’s zoo. At the ceremony, his closest friends and family sat around a campfire recounting their favourite stories of the passionate conservationist.
…and poetry
Irwin, by ball ox
Irwin went swimming with the fish,
That he did not, he wife doth wish,
The fish thought Irwin would make a nice dish
No more will he tease the venomous snake,
Now that hes down at the bottom of a lake,
Stop attacking the stingrays, it was only a mistake
Life will go on at the “austrailian zoo”
Rolph Harris will inherit it, his children too,
All because he’s giving the wife a screw
So come one, come all to the Suncorp stadium
For the service on wednesday to say goodbye to 'em.
But remember the cover charge; all profits to John Stainton
Genius, Ball Ox, pure genius.
I hereby nominate you as the resident poet laureate.
Anyone care to second?
Why did Irwin’s wife (slut) buy so much sun screen?
Because she was told it would protect her from dangerous rays
some quality lines here from ball ox
Are you trying to get banned Art?
:o Fucking hell!