Stevie G

Apparently got a 16 year old up the duff. Also his wife is having an affair with Derby’s Kris Commons. Lovely. :pint:


great news

Ah lovely.

Capello must be delighted.

Cole,Terry and now Gerrard,Engerlands players are fantastic role models! :clap:

Alex Curran is supposed to be a right slapper, she has no idea who the father of each of her kids is allegedly

[quote=“Rintintin, post: 459533”]
Alex Curran is supposed to be a right slapper, she has no idea who the father of each of her kids is allegedly
[/quote]You would tear the box off her though in fairness!

No doubt mush. :smiley:

Get ta fook?!!! :o :lol:

Didn’t know the other guy involved was Kris Commons.

He’s off looking for one of those super-injunction things now is Stevie.

Her auld lad is head of the Freemason in Liverpool alledgedly

Do the freemasons do anything anymore? According to Alive! catholic monthly they control the EU but I know about the crew in Galway and they don’t sound up to much. I’d join them if I thought I’d gain some power out of it.

Fantastic :smiley:
Commons pie eating talents are legendary.

Good for networking and all that anyway but there arent too many jobs in Galway going in any case. You hear stories like all the Prime ministers in the UK and President of the US are masons but hard to know how much truth in that.

I worked around the corner from the main lodge in London.

These soccerball hoofers are hilarious man.

Hope this doesn’t mean the WAGs will be left out in the cold in South Africa. They’ve been through an awful lot lately in fairness to them.

Is there anything you haven’t done KIB Man?

Played senior football for KIB! :guns: :lol:

I’ve played senior football. Trust me it aint all that. Surfing is better craic.

No sign of this in Sundays papers?

I guess the superinjunction thingie worked? Its all over the interweb, just google alex curran - pancake steven gerrard 16 year old, etc…