Stupid IT dept

I’m sitting here in work having missed Home and Away (and plugged out the DVDR last night so I don’t have it recorded) all because some pair of gobshites need to install something on a pc near me and I have to wait until they go for “IT security reasons.” Load of shite.

What? I presume that you are not supervising them so what is the point of you being there?

I am working late as well but there is something about being in work at this time that reduces you motivation to do anything…

They’re external IT (some software company) so our IT dept wouldn’t let them be here on their own unsupervised. They’re sitting beside me so I’ve to hang around.

You must be pretty important in your organisation?

Also considering that you are Irish, life must be pretty good for you…

I really am bored now

See Home and Away thread - you missed nothing of note.

Still a kick in the balls having to stay in there.

KeeP eM cominG farmer.