Life section: Quote from Evan Fanning, presumably something to Aenghus and Dion
‘Celtic Fans live in a dream world where their thuggishness gives them the moral high ground, but the only things that are real about them are their ignorance and their bigotry - qualities, ironicaly they share with Rangers fans’
How can thuggishness give someone the moral high ground?
What a complete and utter retard.
He’s the kid brother of Dion. I’m sure Aenghus and the interviewing panel gave both sons a really tough grilling before offering them the jobs.
Where was that thread with Dion’s email address? I’m sure I can work out Evan’s address from that. The sindo’s here in the house so I’ll have a read of it for the laugh.
I’ve read that article on line and while I could point out the multitude of inaccuracies and generalisations in it I won’t bother because that’s exactly what the pricks want. Best part of that Whipping Boy comeback gig was Fearghal burning the Hunday Independent on stage. Fucking rag.
I thought he was being a bit pretentious with his whole ‘we want a revolution’ shout but then after lighting what I thought was an ordinary piece of paper on fire, he then said ‘by the way that was the Sunday Independent’
There are an incredible amount of factual inaccuracies, stuff that is blatantly made up and then incredibly ignorant comments that have no basis in reality. Slightly ironic given that he accuses Celtic supporters of ignorance.
I’ll actually prepare a response and send it to him. I plan on making an absolute idiot of him so I would appreciate anyone who can send me his email address.
Another 5 page article in the Life magazine sums up that fooking joke of a chip wrapper. It’s about the ‘bebo beauties of south county dublin’ and they have intreviews and photo shoots with a selection of them. You really have to laugh. Clowns.
It’s more than a tabloid with big pages Law. It has a very obvious editorial bias against republicanism, which is why the article in yesterday’s paper was so unsurprising.
And whats with all that sh!t about yer one Katy French and her boyfriend - who gives a sh!t!!! Not that I’ve read it in the past few weeks or anything, someone told me about it.
That fkin Barry Egan is half the problem with that paper. Himself and that sports journalist off todayfm who thinks he’s a fkin comedian are my two most hated persons on this planet.
That Today FM dick presents the GAA on Setanta now. Was delighted they’d be showing live league games, college games (watched Sigerson Cup final on it last night - fantastic game) and it’s spoiled by that unfunny bastard presenting it.
As for Egan; he’s a laughing stock. I read on another board last year that 3 Sundays in a row their front page was whether celebrity lawyer, Garard Kean, had walked out on his wife.
Still looking for Evan’s email address by the way.
Have one line prepared already (taking the piss but you’ll get the point) :
‘How can you dismiss the entire Celtic support in Ireland in one fell swoop like that? Supporting Celtic is something precious, almost mythical and is to be treasured for life. It is passed down from father to son - much like jobs in the Sunday Independent.’