Super Bowl LIV - Chiefs V 49ers

New England need more white wide receivers. Terrible drop

Bill isnā€™t going to coach his way out of this predicament

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Belicheat and TB12 getting schooled here

Happens every time they come up a team outside their poxy division

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Theyā€™ll get schooled next week at foxborough by a team in their division.

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Raiders doing well here @anon61878697

This is pitiful. Catchers canā€™t catch, runners canā€™t run and blockers canā€™t block.

If the 9ers had gone for Tannehill the SB this year would be a formality

Patā€™s booed off. Their fans as classy as their team and coach

Brady getting booed. @anon61878697 has already sold his soul to a pornstar. Whither now New England?

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Nice tribute statue dedicated to Kittles late charge up the field.


Heā€™s fucking unreal in fairness

Yes, the patriots record against teams outside their division is shockingly poor. It just happens to be the best in the NFL and around the same margin as their division record, but I donā€™t think statistics and actual records should count.

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The repeal campaign gloating continues

Typical Brady shrill trying to dictate the narrative here

fucking Dorsett again making a fuck of itā€¦ Meyers drops a handy oneā€¦ A blocked field goal to go 10 up. Very frustrating.

The protection is just pitiful as well. Awful.

Mike Williams might be the best jump ball receiver in the league

Brady being booed?? What gives buddy?