Super Bowl LIV - Chiefs V 49ers

Its this and a litany of similar moments is exactly why us Dallas fans like to keep schtuum about the team we love. We are a bit like your average Tory voter that way

9ers acting the bollix here. Just give the ball to Mustard


Hon my beloved Cowboys :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

Delvin Cook crocked. Awful news for my team

Goff is fucking my fantasy… The useless cunt.

He’s rode me rotten all season. A wanker

well, I don’t have him…but Fran has Elliot and Goff just handed him 2 TDs with his shit play. Cunt bag.

Chargers OL is the worst in football

Vikings were in a serious shot of going all the way. Their backup is good but Cook was special no question

You were laughing at Lamar last year, you’re not laughing anymore

I’ve woods and Gurley, the cunts being throwing INT all season.

Bad luck for Cousins he’s up against Lamar this year. Some player in fairness

Was I?

Where are the raiders moving to?

Woods and Higbee

Vegas baby

Yes. Often

That’s news to me.

Old news to the rest of us