Super Bowl LIV - Chiefs V 49ers

Iā€™m having a weissbier.

Edelman is fucked

Bills will take beating in the playoffs. They are short a receiver though

Unreal from Allen

heā€™s been fucked all year.

Brady would have spiked that

17-13 the pats are done.

Give overā€¦

There was 2 big fuckers on him. Brady isnā€™t risking INT or sacks. Heā€™s fucking the ball away a lot

What was the over/unders line?

Allen is one of maybe 2 or 3 QBs in the league that has the arm to throw that pass on the back foot and strength to absorb inevitable hit.

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if a player is open Brady will throw to himā€¦ But youā€™re correct, he wonā€™t risk negative yards either. With this set of players his job is to mind the ballā€¦ But if he had a player that coukd get separation, heā€™d hit him all day.

Gonna be a big ask if Edelman doesnā€™t get back in the field.

Is part of it he canā€™t really move around anymore, if the pocket collapses he wonā€™t try get out and the receivers havenā€™t the time to get down the field? The ol does him no fucking favours either.

Heā€™s 42ā€¦ Heā€™s protection isnā€™t great so heā€™s under pressure to release quickly but his receivers canā€™t get much separation or are not good route runners. So heā€™s predominantly relying on Edelman and Whiteā€¦ Most teams have taken them away from him but Harry has started to make moves and draw some attention

He could never really move

The protection and the receivers are linked which most punters ignore. Much easier for the bills to overload if they are confident Brady has donkeys that are likely to fumble if he throws it.

heā€™s missing 3 big pieces from last year alsoā€¦ His centre, his full back and Gronk.

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Good drive here.

Throwing to backs a lot. He really has no faith in those receivers

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Pats have most drops in the league.