Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Is Patterson good? I still can’t decide

Oooft for young Vaughan

That was a beautiful hit

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Now we have a game.

A suicide pass from Tom

Serious paws

Jack of all trades, obviously a dangerous return man but was never a top tier receiver.

Vintage Jimmy Graham right there

Bucs deserved that, they were getting very complacent very early

Tom getting very ratty on the sidelines, he’ll have some thick head on him if Foles goes up the field now

He got fairly chased on that possession. This one is getting tasty.

Nice bit of niggle to proceedings now

This game has gone from tragic to comedy after that drive

Nice dive Robinson

Back to comedy :man_facepalming:t2:

Wirfs is getting a bit of a schooling tonight

They have to go for this

Fucking bullshit call.

Foles throwing up lottery picks, he had Montgomery wide open short too
