Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Oh that’s horrific

Christ almighty. Horrific.

He looks remarkably calm given the injury

Dak with a horrible one

Prescotts leg isn’t meant to face that way

That is nasty looking. Not good

Dislocated ankle rather than a break hopefully


Red Rifle incoming.

Oh no. Jesus

If Prescott was a horse they’d have him shot within the hour

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I thought that too

Jerry Jones after solving his cap problem

Ah lads will ye let him go off there and get surgery

Nice touch to see Jason Garrett there offering support, he is a pretty mediocre head coach but I’d say a very nice man


Romo has to come back now

Romo commentating on that is fairly spine shivering

Jerry Jones pissing his hole laughing inside that mask

I started following NFL after his peak, but I’ve never seen why Rivers gets such acclaim. He goes on like a ferocious dickhead as well.