Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Only two games in the second window on Sunday - that is total bullshit they could easily have pushed another game in there.

9 at 6pm on Sunday… there’ll be too much happening to keep an eye on.

The quad box will be flat out

All eyes with be on Brady and Rodgers anyway. They probably picked the least glamourous tie in the NFL with Jets and Dolphins at same time as well.

Means we will be subjected to a heap of studio bits with Scott Hansen.

I am like a broken record but I much prefer the late window when there is 4 games on to the early window. You get a great feel for each of the games. In the early window it can be a bit too manic at times.


Yeah the early slot is too congested. 4 games on at later time would be better and works very well normally. Hansen does a good job in fairness to him. Couple of weeks ago there was a power outage in Dolphins stadium and he still broadcast the touchdown from someones Iphone who was in the stadium.

he’s brilliant. He’s carrying that thing on his own. When a guy is this good at his job you have to give him the kudos


I feel like I know him all my life.

how long is he doing it. His enthusiasm is brilliant.

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The bell chimes “AAAAnnnd its the witching hour, where losses become wins and wins become losses”.

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Who’s ready for 7 hours of commercial free FOOTBALL??

I am Scott. I’m ready

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Beam me up Scotty

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Scott is good but he needs remember that Seahawks QB is called Russell Wilson and not Potential MVP Russell Wilson. His cheerleading for him is a bit offputting.

He probably has him backed off the boards.

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The Andrew Siciliano feed just isn’t the same. Even my wife, who knows nothing about sport, recognises Hanson as they guy who goes 7 hours without taking a piss.

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Colts with multiple positives tests now too and shutting down facilities.

Is there anyone in the NFL still left alive?

I started watching Pat McCafee’s podcast. He is a gas man

you’d have to take him in doses, but he is decent alright. The whole wrestling thing was a bit stupid, but sure handy money I suppose. There are two really good clips, when he talks about Troy Polamalu fucking up a TD for him by being in the A gap and also when he goes through that horrendous Colts fake punt against the Patriots. Its good to get the insights of a player in a position that doesnt get much coverage.

here are those clips to make it easier for you

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watched the troy polamula one last night. very funny

False Positives!