Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

What the absolute fuck was he thinking? Tannehil threw one as well with no need

Kick the extra point Houston ye gowls

In fairness Cam didn’t look right at all the whole game

Idiocy from Ron.

Rivera the idiot.

What the fuck is going on tonight

Washington :smile:


Wait, why didn’t Houston kick the PAT?


Think that will stand…

Because the whole nfl has gone mental

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Can’t overturn that

Kick the FG or go for it? Have to go for it with Watson against you.

Coin toss really

Some game

Carolina get another roll of the dice

Unlucky joe

Shouldn’t have been throwing up the middle anyhow


5-1 BABY

Now Tom and the Buccs, go beat those GB Knackers