Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

He played well last week but drops killed his stats. I like him

Jimmy G is gonna have another long day


Brady to Gronk again.

Brady is throwing with real zip over the last few weeks, and not just underneath either

Rather impressive considering his obituary has been written a few times now

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T2 all time QB/Receiver TDs Scotty Hansen informs us. Their 92nd TD combination.

Whatever happened to Kyle Youzcek? (whatever)

He’s playing FB , got one hand off already today

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Oh right. I’d been looking into SFs RBs this week and saw no mention of him.

I have 2 of them, always injured. Where the hell is MckInnon so far today.

Daniel Sorensen is an underrated player.

Just retuning in, dropped Hasty last minute has he featured at all?

Drew Locke is some gobshite

Probably the spelling, his surname is a J. Think he’s a Polak

No him nor McKinnon have. Wilson has

Jeff Wilson Jr is getting all the carries

McKinnons a pimp. He never could’ve out-fought Moestert. But I didn’t know until this day that it was Wilson all along

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No wonder everone hates the niners



Wow Tom

Bill surely can keep looking at Cam.