Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Cards will score again before HT and will receive the ball at the half.

Why do Cards even bother with Drake

Save a few picks for next weekend Russ

Murray needs to get it done from here

Murray you pleb

Murray is a pleb

Horrid shit from Kyler.

Need to hold for a FG now

Bullshit that was delay of game

No touchdown!!!

Clear TD will be challenged and overturned.

If the Cardinals had gone for the 3 points after Buddha Baker’s interception this would be very different.

Easy challenge. Lockett unreal tonight

Cunt is having a Tony Kelly.

Only for the winning team

Not yet! 4 downs in play soft coverage with a shit D the Cards will score on this drive.

Handy injury time out.

Criminal play calling from the Cards

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Maybe they don’t trust Kyler to throw it.

Time to gun it now