Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

The thing about this is that Baker is seriously quick.


I stayed up til 4 watching the cards and Seahawk game. Up again at 6:50 for work, I am shattered today but that was a great game tbf.


Makings of a defensive classic here, come on da Bears smash these cunts.

Bullshit call on the bears there

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Folesy just doing Folesy type stuff right there

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This is pure scour

This is tough watching, bedtime.



Rams win 24-10 :frowning_face:


They scored zero points after that. The play calling was shocking.

Class :grinning:

I think that’s mostly accurate but the Colts are a hopeful and the Bears, even though they were shit last night, are trying to make the play-offs. And then if the Bears do make the play-offs it’s Nick Foles time and anything could happen. And I don’t think the Packers are contenders.

Just a piss take of the Jets mate

And don’t underestimate the Packers, they’ll surely deal for a receiver in the next week

I was just thinking how it made no sense for The Patriots to get rid of Brady for Newton the way they did and when they did. Brady is obviously still a top-level QB, Belichick must have been able to see that. If he couldn’t then serious questions would have to be asked. Obviously Brady can’t last forever but I think it would make sense to get rid of Brady for a young QB who might be the next big thing. Taking in somebody like Burrows might have made sense and then they could have a rebuilding year this year and next year maybe they could challenge again. But Newton was obviously not the next big thing. Such a fucking stupid swap.

I think the Packers’ problem is their defence.

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