Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

The Bucs D is eating away at my lead over the cat, 2012 all over again.


Noodle-arm stuff

Heading for 28 zip

Brady stinking up the place

The Suckeneers are back baby!!

Brady clearly reeling a bit here from his bumbuddy Trump getting the boot

Wrong target there Tom

Who is the back up QB here? Brady has reached meltdown mode.

It’s too bad @Thomas_Brady isn’t awake for this.

With the amount of passes he will attempt in the second half expect at least 2 more here.

Bucs fans are absolutely seething, imagine if it was a full stadium.

Any chance the Saints will give Jameis a gallop?

Stock market is soaring @Lazarus, it loves our Joe.

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Be lovely to see him, he could compete with Tom for INTs.

Yet another stunning victory for lazarus :clap: :clap:

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Incredible that they signed Brown, he brings all the wrong kind of attention to a team. I’m sure half the squad have to listen to a ration of shit from WAGs and family.