Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

TBs body language is all wrong, donā€™t think heā€™ll ever recover from his mental error against the Bears

2020 interceptions:

Tom Brady: 9
Nick Foles: 8

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You told me a few weeks should that youd never heard of Robert Woods and that was all the motivation he needed.

what a horrible bunch of cunts the cheeseheads are

Heā€™s 100% right in what he said there, although getting the running game working would help so maybe only 99% right now I think about it

McDaniels will be there next year along with Edelman and all will be fine again.

Its clearly a power stuggle. If they donā€™t win this year one will have to go. Arians only wants to go long, he could try working to Bradys strength and work in a few more screes passes and slants for him. If he really wanted to that is. The one or two he worked in the other night were all dropped by Fournette

Ravens & Steelers pushed back to Sunday, left with two shit games for thanks giving.

Story with the late game now?

So weā€™re left with the Lions in the early slot and an NFC East shitshow

Thanksgiving games last few years werenā€™t great.

Thanksgiving football has gone downhill since the butt fumble

What kind of state are Lions in today? @Big_Dan_Campbell

In the same state of mediocrity they have been for 2 and a half seasons.

Their defence canā€™t rush the passer as they only ever send 3 or 4 guys and play a lot of man coverage meaning that they get opened up at will by any half decent QB so Iā€™d expect DeShawn Watson to have a big game. They are pretty shit against the run too.

Offence is interesting when everyone is fit and available but Golloday is out and Swift doubtful so teams know to just take away the deep ball without Golloday and there is nothing else the skill position guys can do. Probably as poor a skill position group as there is in the league for getting separation along with the woeful defence which means Stafford has to be lights out for them to have any chance to win.

If they lose today it is expected the axe will fall on Bob Quinn and Patricia, they might get a few more weeks but the next poor performance they are gone. The football Patricia wants to play is 1980s stuff with Adrian Peterson running out of the I formation with a full back and a defence full of big thumpers who are slow and canā€™t tackle in space.

Houstonā€™s defence is poor enough so we might well see a high scoring game.

Texans D is total gash.


ā€œThey come in wavesā€

Romo wisdom.

Ya vulturing bastard Prosise