Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

The nonstop injuries here are worrying for the NFLs Covid strategy going forward

The sqwailing there shom

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Mincah giving Trace a welcome to the NFL

Johnson has vaseline on his gloves

The Pitt WRs are awful

Trace has game.

Whisht. Whisht

Ha ha what a game.

Fuck me what a throw and catch

Ben has balls like church bells

Hes a yard short

Ravens might have lost but they are a better team than Pittsburgh

Have charges been made to whoever assaulted Frank Gore?

Some performance from the Browns

Henry is having a nightmare.

Baker Mayfield having a day

@johnnysachs the Saints D are doing it again. Needless penalties

That was a very impressive drive by Stafford. Peach of a touchdown throw to jones

Surely to God the men upstairs won’t let the Jets win this.

MVP Mitch!!!

Shocking. Discipline has gone out the window hope they can bail Hill out here. He has been sensational bar the fumble. Jenkins and Robinson out has told.