Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Over to Old Matt

Big Ben :clap:

Koo :face_vomiting:

Poxy Chiefs.

No 1 seeded Kicker :man_facepalming:t2:

Hope that isn’t serious for Watson

Bears win 41-17

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Rivers is a useless cunt.

Oh Baker

The Jets :smiley: The Browns :see_no_evil:

Jets :flight_arrival:

What happened?

Fumbled on a qb sneak on 4th and 1

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Poor call, the fumble went backwards and Hunt made the yardage after. Should have gotten first. No excuses if your losing to jets though

Jalen Hurts isn’t going to have a very long NFL career if he is going to be trucking lads on runs

If the Dallas backs keep jumping out of his way he’ll be grand

Half the corners in the league can’t tackle for shit anyhow

He’ll run into a brick wall eventually

If he keeps doing that then he’ll be grand

Is it me or does it look like madden footage when they show the td cekebrations in Dallas whatever camera they are using

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