Super Bowl LV - The triumphant trail to Tampa (Part 1)

Any chance the Bears could throw Mitch in for the 4th quarter?

This turnover will make it unlikely

Carr is some ham.

Jones is actually playing well tonight, got killed by pelanty flags on a couple of drives

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Bears lucky to get that call

I jinxed him

Fucking magpie

No need for Jones to force that throw with space in front of him

Foles is absolutely awful. Mitch surely back in now

He isnā€™t a massive upgrade on Trubisky is he?

Tough to come in hit the ground running with no real pre season. This week is probably the first time he trained with the first team offence properly.

Foles is a better QB but is wildly inconsistent himself

Jay Cutler hard doneby when you think about it

Carr chickened out there big style.

They are both very average. In reality there are very few elite quarterbacks and most of those with the potential to be elite get beaten to a pulp before they reach their potential. There are only two kinds of quarterbacks that succeed, lads like Brady and Manning who have incredible poise in the pocket but need great protection, or rabbit types like Wilson and Murray who are almost impossible to catch.


Wentz started well, looks like Ward is going to be the main man. Possible interception, Iā€™d say not.

Wentz waltzes in. Donā€™t like this look so far.

Playin very soft

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Hopefully offense can pick it up.
