Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Brady gets picked

TD Giants off the Brady pick

Brady is struggling

He is a very average player

The Giants defense is septic.

Jones is a gimp.

The Giants offense is septic.

Can a giant get within 5 yards of Tom tonight? Nope



Jimmy Graham :clap:

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This Big Dan Campbell is a bum. Goff isn’t a star but the play calling is fucking atrocious

The rifle has found his range.


What a tame old game this one is.

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Having a great day here with the family.

Cheers everyone.

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Goff is done. Never gets past his first read and is like a deer in headlights with the slightest bit of pressure.

Granted he hasn’t any weapons but he does nothing to help himself. That last play encapsulates it

He doesn’t call the plays.

Big Dan is a bum

Bears will pull away here

You think?

I do.

Two bad teams.