Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Denver ball.

Hon Denver

Sorry pal I was sinking pints to beat the band yesterday so was offline.

Dalton had a cracker :roll_eyes:

Those boys love Big Dan - what a man and what a moment


That final drive was essentially very conservative. There were no big plays downfield, it was all small gains when I think the Vikings were probably anticipating it deep. In other words, Campbell stumbled across the Rams method where everything was aimed towards making it hard for Goff to fuck it up.

You’d be happy for the Defense … They’ve played hard all season.

That’s not all on Goff tho. Players have got to be able to run routes, get open … Goff’s problem is he’ll force it when there’s pressure.

Goff had a man wide open on the interception he threw yet never looked his way and stared down Hock. It was terrible QB play.

On the fourth and one shortly afterwards there was a blocking assignment which was missed which isn’t on him but once Goff stepped pass the rusher he patted the ball as if he had all day to survey the field rather than just taking the completion that was there. Both were terrible decisions


I’m not disagreeing he’s a ham…but it’s not all on him.

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Batten down the hatches

Easy win for Belichick and co tonight

Your jinxing only works when you genuinely believe it!

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There is an art to jinxing. All those Mayo final defeats were from cunts like me telling them I really felt things were different this time

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I expect the Pats will win tonight though. Likely with something to spare too

Bills have been flattering to deceive a bit lately. The wheels could come off against that Belichick defence.

Josh Allens play lately leaves a lot to be desired

Everyone knows what the Patriots will do by taking Diggs away and forcing Allen to dink and dunk underneath and use his legs as they have no run game, Patriots special teams will make a big play at some stage and their own run game always gives Jones 3rd and short to suit his game manager style. Be a low scoring stinker for a neutral as will the return fixture but home advantage sees them split the wins for me with Tyler Bass and Nick Folk to the fore.

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Bass & Folk will have trouble kicking field goals in that wind.

Prediction 16-10 pats

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