Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Rogers is just full of surprises even now

By God

Gutsy bastards.

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Way offside

Great way to end the half…

Jimmy had first half qb rating of 10.2!

Hon Deebo Reinhold called it.

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I still cant figure out why Jones ran into the defender rather than spint straightforward or at the very least run out of bounds?

Deebo leading the charge again.

Fuck sake

Made a balls of this drive.

Ah no

Deebo crocked

That was some hit he took

They’ve let Greenbay off the hook all night… You can’t win like that. A sapping drive for the GB D tho.

If Deebo is out it’s over.

He seems ok…

He was laughing smoking a fag there a minute ago

Well done D