Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Or all 4 favorites at that?

Ramsey will ate Evans all night ffs.

Total mismatch
Bucs are fucked here with Evans as the only real option at WR, Godwin or Antonio would have taken the attention off him.
This could get nasty

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Real 36-3 feel about this game. Bucs D have eaten the cheese.

Whitworth not missed yet. Akers looks full.of energy. If they score here they won’t be caught

Season 5 No GIF by The Office

If Brady needs to give his defence a rest

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Evans / Ramsey , double Gronk … What you got? Beckham, Kupp on the other side

Going up tempo is fine but you need to convert a few 3rd downs to give the D a breather and they just have.

Brady needed that.

Brady having a mental breakdown here

This has not aged well.

Bucs making too many unforced errors/penalties

Brady is such a pussy always bitching and moaning at the officials

Brady going down the blood capsule route. A sad end for him

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Hard not to root for a proper tough guy in Stafford up against this bitch


And another

“The bloody Brady” :joy: He’ll be doing well to survive.

Buccs are a shambles all over the field, not even going to credit those Ram cunts either.

Rams can’t lose this.