Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Youā€™re always highly aware that youā€™re watching a genius at work. If Paddy M was a soccer player heā€™d beā€¦ Gianfranco Zola crossed with Alan Shearer or something, I dont even know.

Heā€™d be Ronaldinho

Mahomes is so good he makes his luck

Beasley needs to be involved more

Heā€™s a human ferret.

They should use the punter more.

Bills nearly had a td on KC first down

Two 3 and outs for Allen ā€¦ letā€™s see if he can work it out.

Paddy doing Paddy type stuff here

Bills cant tackle for shite

Hope he never meets Richard Gere.

Mahomes is lethal tonight.

In the flicker of a second

Mahomes does everything wrong and itā€™s still unreal


Lads what website would you check to find out stats in game? Like how many yards a fella has run /received etc so far in the game?

The NFL website shoild have the box scores

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Weā€™re already in buffalo have to score next territory

Type the game into Google and it should give you stats

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