Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

Chiefs were studying the Titans Bills reg season game. Bills cant tackle for shit. Same old failings in terms of pash rush from last year rearing its head again.

My Lord


How do you throw the ball that far? The man is a freak of nature.

He’s a farmer, farmers throw it further.

Missed tackles are killing us

Big stop there, need to make it count

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I think the Chiefs will take a shot to Robinson on next drive

Can’t take a shot inside 15 I suppose

Another big stop from the Bills after the Tyreek return. Allen needs to make this one count or good luck

More like it here from Josh

Clock management will be interesting here.

My goodness, cometh the hour…

4th & 13 - here’s the ball game.

Terrible playcall there on 3rd down

Brutal playcalling.


Football, bloody hell

OT incoming.
