Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

The fuck is the scoreboard at

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Poor play calling on that last series

Bengal go from 18 down to 3 points in front

Laces in

Doubt he’ll trust anyone other than kelce and hill

Balls like BENGALi tiger on McPherson


Pat Holmes will throw an interception on the next drive.

He’ll air it out anyway

Money @Mac-Phearson :clap:

He doesn’t look zen at all to me. A lot of yapping.

Burrow is in the zone

This is insane. 21 unanswered points, in Arrowhead. Unheard of shit

They did something similar regular season

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Ah but in the playoffs, so hard to do

This sounds shit the first time you hear it but by the third time it has completely Burrowed into your brain.

Collingwood eat your heart out.

That was in cincy

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We want Burrows with 1.30 on the clock needing a TD to win.

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Ffs Bengal D playcaller

I’d nearly let them score at this stage